
ADA Compliance for Magento


What is the ADA?

“The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 1990 is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public.” 

Owing to the widespread proliferation of data connectivity and web-based activities, websites must be developed in such a way that are easy to navigate for everyone, especially for those associated with any form of disabilities. According to a recent report, nearly 13% of US Citizens have reported a disability, making them an important group whose needs must be considered while developing any web-based solution. 

To meet these requirements, developers, and stakeholders have chalked out ADA Compliances for websites. Apart from serving the needs of the disabled, having a website that strictly adheres to ADA Accessibility Guidelines, and Magento-based eCommerce stores that abide by the Magento ADA Compliances also benefit business owners in a variety of ways. Let us look at some of them below: 

  1. Untapped Market Potential: As explained by the report, a large number of people are a part of the ADA. Thus, having a digital presence that follows ADA Website Guidelines helps attract customers who are looking for hassle-free web experiences.
  2. Organic boost to your Search Engine Rankings: eCommerce websites that meet ADA Requirements for Websites is often given an organic boost to their SEO Rankings by leading search engines. There are a variety of methods through which your organization can make ADA Web Accessibility much simpler.
  3. Increase Business Goodwill: Having an eCommerce store that checks all the boxes off the ADA Checklist will help uplift your business goodwill and your brand value as yours is a business that would be accessible by all! 

Build an eCommerce store that has Magento ADA Compliance:

  1. Text-to-Screen Technology: For users and customers who have poor or no vision, help them understand your website and its offerings better using the Text-to-screen technology
  2. Enlarging text: Users who can see, albeit not properly, can access an ADA-compliant website if the developers have allowed a provision that lets them enlarge the text for better vision.
  3. Separate Profiles for the Disabled: Some of the web solutions that thoroughly follow the ADA Checklist read ID Cards and adjust profile settings if the person has a disability. 

Setubridge Technolabs is your perfect ADA Compliance partner:

Setubridge Technolabs is an experienced development company. We understand deeply the intricacies of an eCommerce business that meets perfectly all the ADA Accessibility Requirements, to ensure everyone from the society benefits from your store. Contact us today for developing the perfect ADA Compliant website

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