Static to pre-built Animation

Explore our collection of instant ready-to-use static and animated templates designed to elevate your content. Choose from a variety of options, including our dynamic Animated Template, the efficient Delivery Process template.

ETA Everywhere

Display the ETA message prominently near the product description or price information. Include the ETA message within the cart summary or near the checkout button. Place the ETA message prominently at the top or near the shipping information section.

Multi-Condition ETA Rules

You can configure a rule with specific conditions based on various criteria like product, country, collection, zip codes, and vendor wise.

No Code Personalization

Creative Editor & Live Preview feature, designed to enhance your user experience!. Set the number of days required for processing orders before they are shipped. Specify the cut-off time for placing orders to be processed on the same day and more.

Dynamic Localization

You can replace time and time zone with the actual estimated time of arrival based on the visitor's local time zone in your system.