
#deletefacebook Which side of the game are you?


#deletefacebook Which side of the game are you?

Mark Zuckerberg, very active on various issues on social media was brought to silence and despair. This resulted because of Cambridge Analytica, a British firm, which is said to have accessed private Facebook data of more than 50 million users. The analytics firm has been suspected to work on Donald Trump’s election and even on bigger issues like Brexit campaign harvesting millions of Facebook profiles to forecast and sway their choices. This scam has definitely triggered serious trust issue with the whole platform where audiences gave out their information confidently purely on basis of trust.

Brian Acton, co-founder of WhatsApp added fuel to the fire by his tweet “It is time”, he stated in a tweet, along with hashtag #deletefacebook.

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This not only created more awareness about the scandal and also has been trending since then. It resulted in exploding effects with significant number of people taking this seriously and urging others to do so.

The data breach has had ripple effects spreading its reach towards Indian politics too. Indian Information Technology Minister, Ravi Shankar Prasasd, questioned Congress openly on Wednesday in terms with its ties with the Cambridge Analytica.

Ravi Shankar Prasad speaking to the reporters at the Parliament House complex said,

“My question to Congress party is whether to win elections, Congress will depend on data manipulation and theft of data. What is the role of Cambridge Analytica in social media profile of Rahul Gandhi.”

Though Mark Zuckerberg, apologized for this “breach of trust”, and said that

“We have a responsibility to protect your data and if we can’t then we don’t deserve to serve you.”

With the Facebook scandals and data leakages do you still feel safe being on Facebook? Give a deeper thought around it.

So if you have made your decision to go off this social network, it may be worthwhile to get an archive of your Facebook data.

Following are the steps to download your data:

  1. Click on the account setting menu shown by down arrow at the top right
    corner of your Facebook page.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Within setting go to General, click on “Download a Copy” of your Facebook data.
  4. Click on Start My Archive.

Since this archive contains your personal Facebook information it is important to be careful about where you store it.

Once you get hold of your archive, to delete your Facebook account follow the below link on login and choose

Delete my Facebook page

Then click the ‘Delete my account’ option.

Since you wouldn’t get a chance to access your account hereafter it is important to take this decision prudently and make sure to download your Facebook data.

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