Connecting Businesses to New Opportunities

Our Valuable Collaborators

PreProduct next‑gen pre‑order
Grow with smarter pre-orders | pay-now, pay-later, or via deposit.

EComposer Landing Page Builder
Drag and drop to build any page types in a few minutes. No coding – Maximum sales

Discount Yard- Stack Discounts

BoostifyThemes offers fast, SEO-friendly Shopify themes with mobile responsiveness and easy customization.

Shop Theme Detector
Shopify Detector, you can just enter the URL of the Shopify site you saw and we will let you know the Shopify theme that was used to build it.

Higher quality solutions and services to eCommerce users in general and Magento ones in particular.

The4 Premium Shopify Theme
Elevate your online presence with user-friendly and visually appealing Shopify themes.

Parcel Panel Order Tracking
The No.1 tracking app: auto sync, tracking & update, branded tracking page, shipping notifications, upsell, 24/7 live chat support.


Easy Bundle Builder | SkaiLama
Let your customers build their own bundles by providing a customisable, branded and step based bundling experience.

Reasons to Choose Setubridge as Your Partner
- Integration Within Apps: Shopify's Recommendation App
- Emails and Newsletters for App Promotional Offers
- Link to our Partner Page
- Collaborative Blog Post Linking
- Collaboration Announcement post on Social Media
- Exclusive Partner Discount and Offers
- Get Life Time Revenue