
Magento Free Version EOL in 2020: What it mean for eCommerce entrepreneurs?


Oops…Magento® (free version) is going to end of life, It’s kinda of tricky to understand!

Let’s see how.

It’s since a topic in the discussion whether will Magento continue with the free open-source products or not. With this email, even we got confused if it’s connected to Magento 1 or Magento Free Open Source Approach.  It may put you as a merchant or agency partner in worry.

Magento® had added

“A free version of Magento which will sunset in June 2020, and we want to ensure your business is prepared.”

Fortunately or maybe, unfortunately, it’s all about Magento 1 referencing Magento 1 community edition and Magento 1 commerce product. They made it official announcement earlier that Magento 1 will no longer receive any new release updates or security releases after June 2020.

Let’s take a look at the Twitter post…


This post is purely related to merchants who are using Magento1 software products for their e-commerce business. It’s more like a promotional email for Magento Commerce 2 so that merchants to subscribe & check how the Magento 2 Commerce solution can boost their E-commerce business. So there isn’t anything to worry about Magento open source approach nor has there been any official statement about the ending of the open source approach till now. In case you Magento 1 merchant, you should plan Magento 2 migration as early as possible to be on a safe business side.

If you planning to migrate Magento 1 to Magento 2 and looking for a reliable partner, We can help you out here with our Magento B2B Development Services experienced hands handling important databases such as products, orders, and customers.

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