Our love for online shopping is on cloud 9, and with the passing of time, it definitely will go beyond. Now, it has reached the level that buying offline is slowly becoming accustomed to us. ”You name it, You have it”. Almost every sort of product & service is available online at your fingertip.
Whenever we buy a product or service, what stays with us is the experience of how they make us feel. So, it becomes very important to give the customer the best user experience beyond their expectations. This is why they say, “You are Not Selling Products – You’re Selling Experiences.”
How to improve the user experience for shipping and delivery?
And if we google so typically, the answer would be like…
Improve UI – design, Improve speed, Update the content, and so on…. So the next question that pops up in my head will be, I am taking care of Design, website speed content, etc So, how to take the user experience one step further?
Then we have to go back to the basics, which is delivering the ordered product at a given time. Although, you have been working very hard to keep up the promise and make the customer happy after receiving the desired ordered product at a pre-informed time/ day from your e-store.
To align this working process integrating the estimated delivery date app can play a vital role.
It helps convey the customer’s written message by showing the estimated delivery date of the ordered product. Showing the Estimated Delivery Date App enhances the user’s trust & authenticity & credibility of the store.
The Merchant can put clear information about the ordered product delivery. Thus it helps customers to make quick decisions.
Below are a few references of estimated delivery date messages.
1. Simple date range
Order today & receive this product between 8th July to 12th July
2. Create urgency with the Countdown timer

3. Contactless and convenient shipping

4. Show the Route of the Delivery Package

5. Personalize with country name & flag
Delivery order from 29th Jun to 1st Jul
FREE Shipping to the United States ☎
• Express FedEx Shipping
• 7-days refund policy & money-back guarantee
• 24×7 customer support
6. Increase order value
Order now & get your product between 1st July to 3rd July
♣ Get free shipping above $100 cart
♣ Fastest delivery over the United Kingdom
♣ 7-day replacement & money-back guarantee
7. Link your shipping policy
Estimated between Tuesday, 27 July and Tuesday, 31 August
➡ For pre-order products, please take note of the anticipated delivery date and the pre-order policy before ordering. Our Shipping Policy
Also read: How Order Delivery Date Improves User Experience in Shopify?
Let’s talk about the specialty of this app, which makes it even more useful for every e-store owner.
- Merchants can set Country/product/collection/tag-wise expected delivery date range & message
- Highlight the widget using Icons, text, font styling, country flag & name, etc.
- Ready-to-use designed templates
- Set Cut off-time (Non-working days)
- Select min lead & max lead days for the order delivery message
- Target all/specific products’ estimated range
- Import & Export CSV files to elevate manual work
- Set Customized position for arrival message bar
- Messages can be displayed on single or multiple pages
Thus, Integrating the estimated delivery date app will immensely improve the user experience. Which ultimately boosts the sales of your e-store.
let’s add a bit more nuances to your website to make the user experience even further. Adding coming soon & call for price functionality through an app. Let’s talk one by one about both the application and how it will create value for your e-store.
Coming soon creates similar sorts of experiences in the user’s mind. As it allows us to interact directly with the e-store about the availability of the product. This builds confidence in the customer’s eye about your store and its commitment to today’s customers. Call for the price is yet another very liable & useful application.
The functionality of this app is to communicate with the customer by hiding the price and showing a requested quote. So, the amount of converting the customer gets increases which overall increases the sales of your e-store.
Therefore, we can conclude that going into the nuances of the e-store and adding the relevant Shopify application or functionality creates a huge impact on the user experience. Which also creates a good recall value of your brand in customers’ minds. Thus, following basics and pushing it to the next level will only make you stand in online competition.