
Discover The New Features of Setubridge PWA App For Shopify


This is a competitive world. To achieve a standard and maintain that peak position is a task. As the world is turning towards the technological era, discoveries are experienced every new dawn. Meanwhile, SetuBridge developers are in constant search for a cent that would keep their customer’s business above the opponents. Recognizing the priority of our customers, we are here with updates for SetuBridge PWA App For Shopify.

Setubridge PWA has been proved to be the best at providing enriched features and services. With record-breaking downloaders and their impressive reviews, we are here with more superior features to help our customer stand top at their games:

Personalized Installation Message Pop-Up

Personalization installation message pop-up is an advanced way of engaging customers with personalized live interaction. It’s a key feature to engage more customers by defining benefits in the installation message pop-up itself. By attaching benefits, admin has a chance to completely engage the customer by describing the greatness of the app that the customer never knew. The title of the installation message pop-up and short description can be customized from the backend. Additionally, the admin can configure the installation button text, text colour, and background to enhance UI/UX.


Install Event Tracking Through Google Analytics

Set enable “Google Analytics Tracking” to start sending different events like App install to your Google analytic dashboard. This will also create a chart in-app installs chart in the Analytics tab.


All these features set this app apart from others. These are the most advanced features provided by very short numbers of the company. We tried our best to gather amazing features to help you provide great service to your following customers. Don’t hesitate to check out the free demo or suggest improvements at [email protected].

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